Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The MAchine is Us/ing Us

After watching this video numerous times i realized that Michael was trying to say that technology is always learning and we are the teachers. but on the other hand we as students and adults are always learning and it is technology that is the teacher. it is kind of like a give and take relationship.
In his second video he explains what he learned from the video and how even the video taught him things that he did not know before making it.  i believe this shows that there is always something to learn form everything even the smallest of things. One video has the power to connect millions of people around the world because of the internet and that is an amazing thing. i believe he was right when he said that the wed/ internet is changing us. we depend more on the internet now to get information that we do on books or newspapers like we used to. we depend on social networks to communicate now than just a simple phone call. with all the new developments in media we change and adapt to them.
because of the media we interact differently than we do on paper, we write differently also. in digital text now we tend to abbreviate words to make text shorter, or in other words we purposely miss spell the simple words. in sum technology has a major impact on our lives today and as it changes and advances we change with it, we adapt.

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